Friday, September 9
I Cant Believe This Is Goodbye
Well, kids, its official... is finally up and running. Please change your bookmarks, links and such to direct there instead. I will not be updating this blog any longer.
Thanks for reading. And I hope you enjoy the new site.
Thursday, September 8
Looking Out For Number One
It's my favorite time of year. Cause with Fall comes the start of the television season. The week of the 19th is the true premiere week, but there are a couple of smart shows that will start a week or two before.
The best show, is, thankfully, starting tonight. If you arent watching The OC, well, I dont even know why we're still friends. Cause, clearly, you dont care what I have to say. You better have a damn good reason, at this point. Like, its against your religion or something. But even if that were the case... pick a new religion, man.
Watch The OC. 8pm, tonight.
Wednesday, September 7
Who Are You? Do Do Do Do
Goodness, it's Wednesday and I'm still catching you up on my weekend.
Saturday was very very busy. We started off the day helping JJ & Angela move into their new apartment. Then we hung out with Brad & Cindy for an hour, at their housewarming party. After that, we trucked it up to Lynchburg for Nick's surprise birthday party. Unfortunately, we missed the "Surprise!" part of the party. Thats what I get for cramming 45 things into one day.
But there was excellent cake, made by Kelli.

Yes, that's a MINI Cooper cake. It was super yummy.
Tuesday, September 6
You Cant Help Yourself From Falling
Normally I dont talk about my job. Not because I'm worried about getting in trouble for it, just because my job is usually incredibly boring. I work at Duke University, for Continuing Studies and Summer Session. The Summer Session part of my job should be explanitory. The Continuing Studies part of my job handles auditors, non-degree students and the occasional visiting student from another university. (the unlisted part of my job deals with a lot of IT related things, including being primary web editor for our department).
However, on Friday, my job got crazy interesting. As soon as I walked in the door that morning, I was pulled into a meeting and notified that Duke had decided to admit 75 students displaced my Hurricane Katrina. They would be admitted as visiting students for the Fall. Our office handles, maybe, 2 visiting students a year. And now we would be admitting 75 though our office, with a turn around of 5 days.
As you can imagine, once the press release hit the papers, my phone was ringing off the hook. I spoke to almost 200 people on Friday, and we accepted about 30 students. Our offices were staffed through the holiday weekend (which, somehow, I got out of)and accepted about 15 more.
My point is. I had no idea how I could help out. Besides the usual of giving money, there didnt seem like there was much else I could do. It hadnt even occurred to me that students from all over would suddenly not have anywhere to go to school. Sure, thats not as devastating as losing your home, your job and all your possessions... but still, I'm glad I was given the opportunity, though my boring job, to help a few kids feel not so displaced anymore.
In other news: Pacey, my beloved fishie, passed away over the weekend. He had a long life, much longer than Dawson or Joey. He was a good fishie. He will be missed.
Thursday, September 1
Born In The USA
Well, since everybody else is whining about the gas prices, I guess I will too. Truth is, I dont really care about the prices. But I'm bad with money, so that shouldnt matter. I'm pretty sure since I've been born, prices have been going up. That's why I got a 3% raise this year, right? Cost of living, baby. I realize it was a quick jump, but the reason for it seems to make sense to me. Meanwhile, its our own fault for being so dependent on it. One day, They'll realize how dependent we are on toilet paper (when there are few trees left in the world) and then we'll be paying 20 bucks a roll to keep our bums clean. Bidets will be just as popular as hybrids.
Thats my two cents.
Wait, let me have that back... gotta fill up my tank... need every penny I can find...