Wednesday, March 23
Who Am I To Disagree?
I had the weirdest dream last night.
I was dropped off at home one night. A few of my friends were standing in the parking lot outside my house (but my real house doesnt have a parking lot). They were just chatting and hanging out by my car. I talked with them a bit and then went inside my house. As soon as I walked in, I noticed the vinyl flooring had been changed. But this was a good thing, at first, because I had been wanting to rip up the carpet in the foyer and replace it with vinyl. Except they got the color wrong. It was brown, not gray. And I was confused, cause even though I had wanted them to do this, I hadnt actually gone through the process of getting it together. Then I walked into the kitchen, and the flooring there was different too. I wasnt happy with that at all. And really confused. Why would they do this without my asking? Theeeen, I realized they had switched out my white cabinets for wooden ones. I wasnt happy at all! So, I stormed out of the house, through the parking lot where all my friends were hanging out and into the front office. The office was just like the waiting room from Beetlejuice. Yep. I walked around and finally found the person I needed. She was smoking and I was coughing as I asked her why they had replaced my cabinets and floor. She told me that someone famous was buying a place in the complex and they requested our stuff, so she gave it to them. I said "But that doesnt make any sense! At all!" And then I woke up.
Analyze that!
Monday, March 21
Blossom On A Tree, You Know How I Feel
For lunch today I went to the lovely Mad Hatter's. I went for the cookies, cause their baked goods are the best, but since I feel guilty if I dont eat "food" before sweets, I got a kids pizza. Mind you, Mad Hatter's menu has all this healthy crazy stuff that I would never eat... a kids pizza was the only thing on the menu that appealed to me.
But here's how it was served to me:

How cute is that? A cute little pizza (Sabrina sized) and a cute little cookie on a cute little flower plate.
I also got these super cute cookies to go.

Everything is so springy, I love it. I hope the weather stays like this. No more teasing.
In other news, Sylvester and I have officially joined a gym. Before lunch at Mad Hatter's, I stopped by the East Campus Gym to give it a once over. New treadmills? Check. Weight machines that seem not complicated? Check. An indoor pool I'll probably never swim in? Check. A nice man at the door that buzzes me in? Check. Cheapest gym in Durham? Check. Tonight Sylvester and I will work on the Bootylicious playlist. Expect complaints of how sore I am starting next week.
Wednesday, March 16
I'll Tell You Something
I bring you Wing!
Really, music doesnt get any better than this, folks.
I highly recommend listening to a few of her samples... My favorites would be 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' and 'I Do'.
Just think, for only $3.95 you can join the Wing fan club. So worth it.
Tuesday, March 15
I Wanna Get Physical
I was serious when I said I might start working out. I know you doubted me. So, last night, me, Sylvester and my coupon went to Spa Health Club. We were all pretty excited. Even the coupon (fulfilling his purpose and all). The woman took my coupon and and handed me a form to fill out. She told me to have a seat on the couch. Then our conversation went like this:
"Hey, do you work at Duke?"
Go Duke! "Yes, I do!"
"Yeah, you cant use this coupon."
"It's only for potential members."
"But I might be a member, thats why I'm checking the place out."
"Right. A regular member, not paying Duke prices."
You've got to be kidding. I just sat there, not knowing what to do at that point.
Finally she said "I guess you can stay for tonight, since you're here."
How kind of you. "Can someone show me around?"
"Well, we're kinda short staffed right now." She pointed out the lockers and where the weight machines were (which we were standing in the middle of, so it was pretty obvious). I kinda tuned her out cause I felt so... rejected.
The thing is, I reaaaallly wanted to work out. So, I put my stuff in an empty locker (#22) and Sylvester and I went upstairs to the treadmills. Two were out of order and the rest were taken. Great. The only cardio I can actually stand, and they're taken. I even went as far as to hop on a bike, but I couldnt figure out how to get it started. At that point, I was officially defeated. I threw in my towel and went home for a nice long bath.
But I'm not giving up! Oh no! (I've got to keep on mooovin... la la la). My wonderful officemate Beth Ann works out at the Duke East Campus Gym. So, I grilled her about the gym this morning. She says its nice, small, and convenient. And the majority of the people that work out there are cute little happy Duke freshman. Which could do one of two things... encourage me to work out till I look like I'm 18 again, or depress me to no end. We'll see. I think I'll give it a try on Thursday. It's also 10 bucks cheaper than stupid Spa Health Club.
Monday, March 14
I'm Gonna Be A Super Model
In efforts to increase my picture taking skills, specifically, the self portrait... my fabulous friend Christin gave me an assignment. And here is the outcome.

"Sabrina after staff meeting"

"Sabrina deciding between Eggs All The Way or Grilled Cheese at Elmo's"

"Sabrina's first lick of the cute purple bunny lollypop from coworker"

"Sabrina discovering purple bunny lollypop tastes like Robitussin"

"Sabrina with McDonald's onion breath"

"Sabrina giggling cause she just tried to smell her own breath"

"Sabrina confused by Dreamweaver"

"Sabrina after sucessfully preparing Christin's wonderful recipe for Berry Cookie Cobbler"
Friday, March 11
Getting To Hope You Like Me
Well done everyone! I know, I know, some of the questions were tricky... but they were fun, werent they?
Lets go over the answers.
1. I was born during what TV show? d. Mork & Mindy! Six people guessed Dukes of Hazzard, which is an excellent guess.
2. My parents DID NOT consider naming me: a. Tabitha! Eight people guessed Trolley, and I know. It's unbelievable. My dad was stuck on naming me Trolley if I was a boy and Kiddie if I was a girl because it went so well with my maiden name. He's a character. After I was born, during Mork and Mindy, he was very set on naming me Mindy. Good thing I wasnt a boy, or I might have been named Mork! Luckily my mom came to and decided to name me Sabrina.
3. My first husband's name was: c. Joey W.! Nine people guessed that it was Steve, which is a very good guess. But Kelli is absolutely right, on September 3, 2004 I even blogged about my first husband, Joey W. Pay attention people. Really.
4. My first real boyfriend's name was: a. Steve! But not the Steve I'm currently married to. "The First Steve" as we like to call him. I was sixteen.
5. Over the years I've had lots of pets... which name is NOT one of their names? c. Arthur! Growing up we had a dog named Brandi. My first office fishie was Dawson the fishie. He passed away. I'm now on my third office fishie, Pacey the fishie. At one point in my childhood I had 27 gerbils. Their names were A.J. through Z.J and Blackie.
6. I do NOT own which item of clothing? b. capri pants! I have yet to buy into the capri fad. Cant do it. Five people guessed that I didnt own a brown sweater. I do own it, it's just kinda itchy and I rarely wear it.
7. It's nice out today, so for my lunch break I will spend it: b. At Elmo's Diner, with Sylvester! It was a nice lunch date. I had a grilled cheese sandwhich and fries. Four people guessed that I was running errands, which is a mighty good guess, since thats what I had been doing every other day this week. I'm an errands machine!
8. My dream vacation would be: c. Geek Cruises: Baltic Blast MacMania 3.5! I'm dying to go on a cruise, and this one would be the perfect one for me. Not only will it involve all things Apple related but it will be cruising the Baltic, which means I'll get to be a world traveler like Sydney Bristow. Sydney Bristow always has business in the Baltic. Helsinki, Estonia, Moscow... oh yeah, Super Spy Sabrina. Bring it on. Almost everyone got this right. My brother, my poor wonderful brother, guessed that my dream vacation would be visiting my family in Florida. When I asked him to take the quiz, I had forgotten that I had put that as one of my "hell no" answers. Poor kid.
9. My car, my computer and my iPod all have names. What are they? d. Miles, Baxter and Sylvester. Way to go! Everyone got this one right.
10. My favorite shade of purple is: d. All shades of purple are created equal! Indeed.
Here are the final scores from my dear friends and family:
The Steve: 90 (which is what I got on his quiz).
Kelli: 80
Nick: 80
Rocksie: 70
Marissa: 60
Angela: 50
Christin: 50
JJ: 50
Jen: 40
My Brother: 40
Slava: 30
Rachel: 20
I'm giving 5 extra points to Kelli for being an excellent listener (or reader) and test taker. I'm very impressed.
Christin gets 5 points for knowing me for the shortest amount of time and still knowing me better than others.
My brother gets 5 points for being the best brother ever. And also cause I feel bad about the dream vacation question.
Slava gets 10 extra points for using the fact that she's a foreigner as the reason why she didnt get my questions. But she's right, I certainly wouldnt know what show was on in Ukraine in 1979, let alone how to pronounce it. But that's okay, cause I can say "Gorka!"
Thursday, March 10
Take The Time To Get To Know Me
Courtesy of Rachel (though I sadly only scored a 20 on her quiz), here is a quiz for you to take.
Take my Quiz on!
How well do you know me? Please post your score in my comments. Have fun!! No cheating either. (I dont know how you would... but I know some of you well enough to know you'd try).
Wednesday, March 9
Baby, Can You Handle This?
Sylvester and I are thinking about joining a gym again. Well, it will be the third time I've joined a gym, and Sylvester's first time (which is probably why heee's so excited about it).
The first time I joined a gym was shortly after I got married. It worked out very well because The Steve worked nights at Circuit City. And when you're a newlywed, there's little point to being home in the evenings if you have no one to feed and sit on the couch watching TV with. I stuck with it and almost enjoyed my time there. I hate cardio, but I still walked fast on the treadmill for half an hour. I loooved the weight machines. They were most rewarding to me. I mean, who doesnt want a tight ass? I tried some step classes and what not, but I think I have a problem with overheating and I almost passed out once and just couldnt keep up with those crazy steppers. I did, however, enjoy the ab sculpting classes, its nice when someone else can count for you and say "Come on! Just five more!" Yep, working out was nice.
Then we moved to Durham. Shortly after we moved I looked into finding a new gym. I joined the closest gym to my house (in hopes that distance would make it easier to go). I even convinced The Steve to join with me. He probably lasted two weeks, and I only lasted a month, two at the most. I had lots of reasons, the equipment wasnt the same as the stuff from my last gym (and nobody there taught me how to use it), the instructors werent pleasant, the tvs were never on a good channel. But mostly, I was just too busy and I could never get a regular schedule with it. I wanted to work out religiously. But if you cant commit, whats the point?
Not much has changed since then. I'm still insanely busy (if not busier). But now I have Sylvester. Sylvester will encourage me to work out regularly with his masterful playlists.
And then, I got a mailer. And we all know mailers are signs from God. If a mailer got me to newhope then Spa Health Club was smart in sending me one. And this one even has a 7-days free coupon (one for me and one for a friend (but I dont think Sylvester counts as 'a friend'). Not only that, but I get a discount at this gym for being a Duke employee.
So maybe it's time.
Tuesday, March 8
Are We, We Are
Check out my happy toes. I had a pedicure last night.
Too bad its hailing! out my window. Not exactly open toed-shoes weather.
Thursday, March 3
So Much For The City
A couple weeks ago I saw a cute dog somewhere and went "Awwww look at the cute puppy. Hello cute puppy!" The Steve said something back to me like "What are you doing? We're cat people."
It seems as though I have a new love for dogs. I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a "dog person" but before this, I could care less about dogs. Now, I "awwwww" just about every time I see one. I still prefer cat-sized dogs and dont like to hang out with the larger variety... I think it's the fault of my next door neighbor's Pomeranian Tobey, as well as seeing cute pictures of Nick & Kelli's Dachshund Charlie. This morning, I spotted this picture on Sarah Lane's moblog. Now that is a super cute puppy. He's also featured here. Say it with me "awwwwww."