
Friday, January 23

But Don't You Worry Bout a Thing

When someone says "Drive safely," the smart ass that I am usually retorts with something like "Yes, because if you hadn't said, I would have been reckless."
But I know that when people say "Drive safely." they aren't actually telling you to safely drive, as opposed to recklessly driving. It can be assumed by most people that we all intend to drive with caution. Nobody WANTS to get into an accident.
Perhaps, since driving has existed, we've been saying the wrong phrase. What is it that we really mean?
I think it's more of a wish. Maybe in medieval times they would have said "I bid you safe travels." Because what you really mean is that you want the person you care about to get from point A to point B without anything bad happening. And whereas part of that happening may have to do with how the person drives, it also has to do with the other crazies on the road, weather, road conditions and freak happenings. And what you really really mean when you say "Drive safely." is "I hope nothing bad happens to you while you're driving."
Well, that was very Carrie Bradshaw of me... except it had nothing to do with sex, and though I prefer the city, it's not necessarily restricted to that locale.

Tuesday, January 20

Just like Narcissus fell...

All I have to say is...

Friday, January 16

Hey La, Hey La, My Boyfriend's Back

So, one day, on my drive home, I drove up to our mailbox (we live in an apartment complex, so they're conviently located twenty miles from our house). As I was getting back into the car with my bills and junk, a little boy on a scooter came riding towards me. I got in the car, closed the door and he came straight up to the car and knocked on my window. I rolled it down, and the boy began to give me the third degree.
"Whats your name?"
"Uh, Sabrina."
"Where you live?"
"Over there."
"Whys your car so cold?"
"I dont have the heat on?"
"Hey, whats the light?" (By this point he has his entire arm in my car, entwined in the steering wheel so he can point directly at my CD player)
"It's my CD player."
"Whys it blue?"
"Cause that's how Sony made it."
"Is Sony your boyfriend?"
"Uh, no."
"Do you got a boyfriend?"
"I have a husband."
"A husband?!?! What for?"
(I have no answer for that question). "I gotta get home, okay?"
"Nice talking to you." I smile. (BIG mistake).
The boy rides his scooter next to my car as I begin to drive away. I could not be more freaked out, thinking in my head that he's gonna accidentally roll in front of my car and I'm going to run him over. I roll down the passenger side window "Can you ride a little further away, I dont want to hit you!" Luckily, he pulls back. I even think he's gone the other direction.
So, I get out of my car.
"Which ones yours?"
(Oh god, he was just circling around. Like a vulture). "The one on the end. What about your place?"
"You passed it."
"Can I come inside?"
"Haha, no."
"But it's cold."
"Yes, I know. That's why I'm going inside and you should go to your home."
"Can I see inside?"
"No, I cant leave the door open or my cats will run away."
"You have cats?"
"Can I see them?"
"I dont think they'll come to the door." (Which luckily, he didnt catch on how that contridicted my statement about them running away if I left the door open).
"Where's your husband?"
"He isnt home from work yet."
"How do you know?"
"His van isnt here."
"He drives a van?"
"When will he be home?"
"I'm not sure, but I should go in and get dinner ready for him."
"What are you making for dinner?"
"Chicken and broccoli alfredo."
"Oh." (No question? Yes!)
I unlock the door and open it. "Have a good night!"

The next day (because I'm stupid) I stop to check the mail, even though I see a group of boys across the way playing in the snow.
One boy says "Is that your girlfriend?"
Two boys and my boy from the day before cross the street and join me at the mailbox.
"Hi." says boy 1
"Hello. How are you guys doin?"
"Enjoying the snow?"
"Hey, is this your boyfriend?"
"Oh, well, I dont know how my husband would feel about that."
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" scream all the boys, even the ones from across the street.

Thursday, January 15

If we Carry on This Way This Thing Might Leave the Ground

Now come on people! How can you look at those two cats and not comment? How am I supposed to know if anyone is even reading this thing if no one comments??? Am I blogging in vain? I hope not.
Even if you have nothing to say, you can at least show off your music trivia knowledge by guessing the artist and song of each of my headers.

Wednesday, January 14

Finally it Has Happened to Me

For as long as I've had cats, I've been trying to get a picture like this.

That's my Belle. It happened last night, while I was taking this picture, for your enjoyment.

That's Cooper, sleeping on a router. You know you spend too much time in the computer room when your cats think it's comfortable to rest in a swarm of cables, hubs, routers, modems and UPSs (dont even comment on that mess, I cant keep the whole house clean).

Tuesday, January 13

You Got a Nice White Dress and a Party on Your Confirmation

This is my desk.

I took this right before Christmas, that's why it's decorated.
On the left is my window. On the desk is a small jar of mint M&Ms, a little bear ice skating music box and snowman tictaktoe. There's also a couple of boxes of Russian chocolate that Serg brought by for me for Christmas. The chocolate was not at all my style (dark chocolate with brandy liquor) so I put it in the front office for others to eat.
Of course, there's my mini Christmas tree at the top of my shelving unit. I've had that tree since my freshman year.
On my computer monitor is a stickie note with a picture of a cat on velvet that says "Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes... just as like attracts like, love attracks love, and velvet attracts cat hair." In front of my computer is a little purple pottery pot with candy canes that Mary gave me for Christmas, a snowman soap from Janice, Pooh and Piglet hugging statuette and a clock (that doesnt work) that I got when I first started working at Duke.
What you cant see are the things on the left side of my monitor. I have a row of books, phone books, Duke bulletins, computer books. Then there's Pacey in his little bowl. Above Pacey is the Dawson's Creek Series Finale ad. Next to Pacey is a stack of inboxes. Right in front of the inboxes is a post-it note that says "I'd stop eating chocolate, but I'm no quitter."
Above my monitor, one of my cabinets is slightly open with two strings of mardi gras beads that Beth Ann brought back after her trip.
Next to my monitor is a big ass scanner (that I used to scan this pic). Standing on top of the scanner is a Green M&M bobble head. In front of the scanner is some Cucumber Melon anti bac stuff and some Sweet Pea lotion.
Beside the scanner is a box of tissues, and my phone.
On the bulliten board above my phone are a bunch of pictures, mostly of my cats, a few of friends and my brother and then just some pretty pictures of flowers. On the desk in behind my chair is the desk pad that I write messages on. Next to that is my Pooh Village. It's porcelin and wouldnt survive a minute at my house, so I bring it to work to set up for Christmas.
The fake wall on the right is what seperates me from Beth Ann. On that wall is my wonderful collection of VeggieTales kids meal toys from Chickfila. Below them are several pictures of cute kittens and below that is a Troubleshooting Flow Chart and a pictures of a zebra with his stripes falling off that says "I think it's stress..."
Then there is my chickfila calendar from Anne. Below that is a small filing cabinet. On it is a copy of Newsweek with Jon Stewart on the cover (I love him!) and a stack of yellow survey sheets from Summer 03 that I still havent tallied up. The white piece of furniture next to it is usually where I keep my food. On this day, there's only a mint kit kat. How sad.
I think that's it. Welcome to my world.

Monday, January 12

I Light Up When you Call my Name

My Yahoo! account is strickly for spam. I only check it to empty it and browse any sales from various stores. Today, I couldn't help but open the email with this subject:
"Sabrina Carr youre paying too much for LU Box 21568" from Jacques Nagenthiram.
This made me laugh because,
A: I havent been Sabrina Carr for more than 3 years
B: I havent checked my LU box in just that long
3: I dont even pay for that box...

Silly Jacques. At least do your research before sending me spam. Geez.

Friday, January 9

As Long as You Love me So, Let it Snow!

I very rarely have those sentimental God moments. But on my way to work today, I couldnt help but notice the beauty of my God's creation. I love snow! This is the first snowfall here of the season, and I have been waiting patiently (sort of) for it. Though nothing prepares you for looking out the window and seeing the majestic white flakes falling from the sky and covering the darkness of a normal winter day. It's freakin awesome! How incredibly clever of God to envision something that so beautifully symbolizes His love for us.

Thursday, January 8

Wishin, and Hopin, and Thinkin, and Prayin

The day after the wedding was filled with plenty of stuff. Before I was even ready to go, my dad was across the street at a Starbucks when he bumped into his old friend Richie Jeni. You might recognize him, he's a stand up comedian. He and my dad grew up together in Brooklyn. He even called my dad by his old nickname, 'Puppy.'
Once I was ready to go, we walked over to The Citicorp building. Aunt Debbie insisted that there was a model train set we had to see. And certainly, it was something to see. 31 trainsets all linked together set up in towns and cities of the 1950's. So many neat moving things, and the sky would go from daytime to nighttime. When it was dusk, street lights would come on, and even the movies at a drive in theater.
After the trains, we went back to the hotel to pack up. I switched for my beautiful deluxe suite that I was sharing with Aunt Debbie (since she was the old manager of this hotel, and this was her first visit back, they gave us a beautiful room. The even had a basket of her favorite goodies waiting for us), since I was staying two more days than her, I had to move to a smaller room. Then we took a trip into Brooklyn, for lunch at Aunt Pattie's. (Even though I couldnt imagine eating more food). It was also known that Aunt Judy had something to tell the family. I felt kind of weird being there, since I'm the baby of the family, but I'm glad I was. Before Jen arrived for lunch, Aunt Judy announced that the doctor's had recently discovered a brain tumor. Thankfully, it's operable, and she goes into surgery January 14. The biggest thing was that she wasnt planning on telling Jen (her daughter) till they came back from their honeymoon.
After lunch, I said goodbye to Aunt Debbie (who quickly handed me her brown winter coat, saying I could keep it since she wont be needing it in Florida), Uncle Jimmy, my dad and Rose. Then I was left with Aunt Pattie, who walked me to the subway so I could take the train into the city. Just as I was crossing the turnstyle, she shoved some money in my hand (as my family often does). I slipped it in the pocket of the coat I had just gotten from Aunt Debbie and ran up to catch the train. Once settled on the train, I counted my loot, 50 bucks. I slipped the money back in the jacket, along with 10 of my own and waited till my train hit 57th street. I got out, walked a block over to the hotel and went up to check in. I had to get a new key, for my new room. Shortly after, I was supposed to be meeting Slava for dinner. She called my cell as I was checking in. When I was done arranging things with her, I slipped the phone into my new coat pocket, and it quickly fell to the floor. Confused, I shoved my hand into the pocket and realized that the evil coat had a huge hole in the pocket. Quickly, it hit me that I had lost the 60 bucks in that pocket. Evil Evil Coat! I still havent told Aunt Debbie that the evil coat lost my money, though I know as soon as I do she'll send me some cash. I was thinking of taking the evil coat in to get relined, and then just tell her in passing that I had to do that because the evil coat lost my money. Though, once it's relined, I guess I'll have to stop calling it evil.
After I got over losing my cash, I went to meet Slava. She was coming in from Jersey, via the Path Train and I was to meet her at Broadway and Lafayette. That area is in The Villiage, which I have only ventured to once before (to meet her, of course). I took a look at the subway map, but couldnt figure out how to take a train from 57th and 7th to there. So, the midtown girl that I am, I decided to hop in a cab. When I told the cabbie to take me to Broadway and Lafayette, he told me that wasnt possible. It took awhile for me to understand that these streets ran parallel to each other. I told him the restaurant I needed to go to, Olive Tree Cafe, and he said he might know where it is.
Several cell phone conversations later, I met up with Slava and Yura (her boyfriend). After hugs and hellos and "ohmygod your hair!" Slava told me that we'd be meeting up with their manager, Andre. (They have a band). We quickly bumped into Andre, (for those of you who knew Thor, at Liberty, he looked exactly like Thor, only with much longer hair). Slava and I went off to get a table and Yura and Andre walked off to a nearby club to do some business.
You'd think for as well as Slava knows me, she'd know the kind of places I prefer to dine. But still, she chose a Hebrew restaurant. We sat at the bar while waiting for our table and I ordered a cosmo. Slava was indecisive. Once seated, she decided she'd go ahead and order a 'sex on the beach' but said it to the waitress with a giggle. The waitress asked to see her ID, and Slava quickly produced it. "It's fake." said the waitress. I burst out laughing. It was not fake, Slava is only a few months younger than me. The problem was, since Slava is not a citizen of the US, her picture ID doesnt look like a normal NY driver's license. She tried to explain this, but the waitress wouldnt give up. So, no drink for Slava.
But then, on to better stuff. Slava said "I have a surprise for you..." she held out her hand to show off a beautiful diamond ring. Oh how beautiful. I got all excited, clapping and tapping my feet and getting all high pitched. "How'd he do it?" I asked. And then she explained that he hadnt... the ring she wanted was finally on sale at Macy's and they couldnt pass it up. So, they bought it a week ago, and it was sitting in a drawer. Shortly before my arrival, Slava told Yura that I would die if I didnt see the ring while I was there, so he had, like, three days to propose. The day before we meet up, he says that it's too much pressure, and that she can wear the ring, one night, so that I can see it. Weird, I know, but soooo Slava.
The three of them ordered some crazy dishes and I got the only American-to-me item, mozzarella sticks.
After dinner, Andre offered to drive me back to the hotel, but on the way up he wanted to see the tree at Rockefelller center. I was thinking he would just drive up 5th Avenue and look as we passed by, but he wanted to park and walk. Park, in NYC? Are you mad? We wound up parking five blocks away and walking up to the tree. After looking at the tree, I noticed the cool Spray Paint Artist on the corner. I insisted that we go watch him create a painting, because I had remembered him from the South Street Seaport years and years ago, and it was so awesome. We stood at watched as he sprayed paint on a canvas and created planets, a cityscape, the bridge and the reflection in the water. It was so amazing. Andre was so impressed, he bought what the guy had just made. I was kinda jealous...

Wednesday, January 7

hey na na la la la la pizza pie!

Jen's wedding was a lot like my other cousin Allison's in style. Same big hall, same twenty course meal, even the same DJ.
But there were a lot of things that made it oddly different. First of all, Jen's pregnant. About 5 months. She's having a boy. Now, she's 30, a DA in Brooklyn and she's been engaged to Mike for awhile. They were originally planning to get married in April, but thats what you get for taking antibiotics with birth control. But Mike is, like, 40 something, a retired cop, with two nearly adult kids. So, there's a little weirdness. Aunt Debbie doesnt like Mike at all (she's had a feeling about him since the beginning) and the rest of the family is weary. Since this wedding was sprung up on us only four months ago, and all those other factors, nobody seemed as excited about this wedding as they were for Allison's. And you could feel it. Which is sad for Jen, since I'm sure she was thinking this will be her only wedding.
But here's how I felt about the wedding. It was freezing!! It was so so so so cold. And I was so unprepared.
I also realized at this wedding how much better it would have been to share it all with Steve. I really needed someone to lean over to and make silly comments about my crazy family. And someone to dance with.
Because I was so cold, I was very thankful when they handed out hot towels after the main course. I tactfully patted down my whole body.
Towards the end of the evening, Aunt Judy (mother of the bride) sat down at our table. She said, "Did you notice the napkins?" And we all had. They switched out our linen napkins between every other course. She then said "I paid 5 extra dollars a head for that." and she was very proud. That was over a thousand dollars for the waiters to switch our napkins 4 times, and they put on different coats with white gloves for the main course. Tell me how crazy is that?
To top it all off, I experienced my second Vienese Hour in one year. Really, no one should have two of these in one year. It's one in the morning, and I'm surrounded by every sweet thing in the world. It's like dreaming... but I'm awake. I wanted a little of everything, but I had already had 7 courses and a cocktail hour. Then, the best thing ever happened. The waiters started handing out to-go boxes. Glorybetogodinthehighest!!

Tuesday, January 6

Hey Baby Hey Baby Hey

I realize I'm in the process of recapping my holiday... but I thought I'd share a little moment in the life of Sabrina.
So, this morning, on my way to work, I was stopped at a light. Just sittin, maybe singing along to my Justin, I dunno. A work truck drives by perpendicular to me, and the guy in the passenger seat gives me a look, and then turns his head to continue looking at me as the truck passed.
And my first thought was "I'm not THAT hot." Which made me laugh and smile, which made him look more and smile back.

I'm Leavin' Today

Three cheers for airport security. Lets pull aside the cute little blonde and check her shoes while we let all the scary people go by.
The flight was quick and easy. And like a big girl, I took a cab all by myself from JFK to Brooklyn. The rest of my family had already flown in from Florida and we were all meeting for dinner at Aunt Pattie's.
Aunt Pattie is quite the character. Within the past few years, she has taken a great liking to me. It's kinda weird, but I dont mind. This visit just confirmed how highly she thinks of me. Earlier in the month, when I talked to Aunt Pattie on the phone, she mentioned that she'd be going to Landies to get my favorite fried veggies (dont ask, I know I'm weird) and also that she would get me one of my favorite cookies from the bakery. I love food, and food from my childhood makes me very very happy. So, when I arrive at Aunt Pattie's, one of the first things she does is serve my fried veggies to me. Oh, and they were so so good. Mmmm. Then, after dinner, Aunt Pattie brings out a bakery box and hands it to me. There, inside is a whole pound of wonderful rainbow cookies. I pull one out and take a bit. My cousin Jen (the one getting married the next day) sees my cookies and asks for one. My mommy taught me to share, so I gladly give Jen a cookie. Then, Aunt Pattie comes over to me (grandma must have not gone over sharing) and closes the box and pushes it towards me. Very close to my face she whispers "These are for you and only you." Um, okay. Weirdo. Later, I share this incident with Aunt Debbie. She clues me in that Aunt Pattie and Aunt Judy (Jen's mom) had gotten into a huge fight over the cookies. While they were at the bakery together, Aunt Pattie ordered my cookies and Aunt Judy commented that Jen loved those cookies. Aunt Pattie said that these cookies were for me, and only me, and if she wanted to order more for Jen, that would be fine. And the arguement continued from there. Ah, sisters.
But Aunt Pattie's craziness doesnt stop there, folks. Enter Baby Jason. My cousin Chris and his wife Lynn have an almost 2 year old son, Jason. But, Jason has this thing... when he enters a room full of people (and keep in mind that we're in NY, so these people are very loud) he cries. And not just a little I'm scared, hold me mommy, crying... screaming loud, get me out of here crying. And he cried for 45 minutes. (Or so the Aunts who were counting say). During his crying, Aunt Pattie just kept commenting on how spoiled he is. Which yes, he probably is a little spoiled, since the only way they got him to calm down was by offering a bowl of ice cream... but still... Aunt Pattie would not let up... she just kept talking about how much she hates him and his crying. She hates a baby, but she loves me...
But dont forget this was Christmas. Remember, it was decided that we would draw names this year. I got my cousin Christopher, and coincidently, he got me. It was a pretty even trade, I got him this beautiful Michael Graves designed Scrabble board and he got me a $50 dollar gift certificate to Barnes & Noble (with which I bought The Italian Job, X2, and No Doubt, The Singles)(what, did you really think I'd buy books?)
There was also a stack of gifts from Santa under the tree. We were pretty quick to figure out that Santa = Aunt Debbie (the one with the money). I knew she'd do something like that.
After Christmas dinner, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Jimmy and I took a car service into the city. Because it was taking the three of us, plus luggage for five (my dad and Rose were to meet us in the city later), we got to travel in an SUV. Still, it was me, Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Debbie, crammed in the back seat. Uncle Jimmy had a cold, so part way through the ride, he realized he had left his meds at Aunt Pats, and Aunt Deb thought it'd be best if we stopped off at Duane Reed (a drug store). Once in the city, and close to the hotel, the driver stopped for us and they got out. I stayed in. At that point, the driver decided to turn around and make conversation. As usual, I was too damn pleasant for my own good. He told me that he was trying to figure out our family situation. He had determined that the guy was my dad and the woman was trying to marry him, but I dont like her, so she was having a hard time getting in good with the family. Crazy driver. So, I explained our real, rather uncomplicated family situation.
Then it got funny. Aunt Debbie got back in the car. Uncle Jimmy was paying. Uncle Jimmy comes out and we all watch through the back window as he goes up to the SUV behind us and tries to get in the car. That car's door was locked, so he starts pounding on the door. The guy in the passenger seat rolls his window down and says "Is this your car?" and Uncle Jimmy then realizes that he was trying to get into the wrong vehicle. Priceless.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the day of the wedding, and more pictures.

Monday, January 5

It's Just Another Manic Monday

And when I said, tomorrow... I meant, next week.

So, lets take it back to Christmas Day. I spent the morning with Steve and the cats, unwrapping presents and finishing packing for my trip to NY.
Ah, Christmas gifts. As I predicted... I got useless stuff from my Dad and Rose. I will give Rose credit for trying. She got me some stationary (the kind that comes in the huge ass box, but there's only a few note cards and a journal, the rest of the box is full of stuffing), a brown purse I'll only use if I have to, and a necklace of pearls that I probably wont wear till I'm 60. My mom sent me Finding Nemo (which makes her the only one to come through with a gift from the list).
Steve decided to be creative. He got me everything Trading Spaces. Now, I love Trading Spaces, and I really really wanted the books (even though I forgot to put them on the list). And I got the books, so yay! I completed 'Paige by Paige' on the trip. She's so cute. But he also got me the dvds. Which I had no desire for. Eventually I told him that I could do without them, and he said I could return them if I wanted, so I might.
All in all, it was a good Christmas morning.

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