
Tuesday, December 30

Help Me Get Away from Myself

Well, I'm back from NY, and I kept track of all the crazy things that happened so I wouldnt forget anything.
However, I'm going to wait until I get my two rolls of film developed tonight before I tell all my stories. So, if all goes well, you should hear about it tomorrow.
Until then...

Tuesday, December 23

Here we are Now

Well, I'm off. You wont be hearing from me again till the 30th.
Enjoy Christmas, all.

Want to Vanish Inside Your Kiss

Congrats to Emily and Michael, on their engagement.

Monday, December 22

Some Boys Romance, Some Boys Slow Dance

Warning: I might sound materialistic... and I probably am...

For as long as I can remember, I've had a very good method to the gift getting process. You can quickly figure out what certain people are willing to spend, and how to play them for the right gifts. So, my usual tendency was to determine who I would ask for what by Thanksgiving, because that's when you usually talk to family members, and that's when they usual ask what you want.
But this year, my gift-giving-means-love family decided that because of the hard economy and blah blah blah, we'd just pick one person out of a hat and exchange gifts that way. This, of course has it's pluses and minuses. Plus- I only have to buy one gift instead of twelve. Minus - I only get one gift instead of twelve. So, that changes the strategy a little, I have to decide on one thing that I really want... and I decided that if a family member should ask, I would ask for a dressy set of gloves and scarf to match. But, it's 3 days before Christmas and nobody has asked me what I want. Which means, I'll probably be getting something I dont want or need...
Meanwhile, my dad said he'd still send me and Steve presents for under our tree. Usually I play my dad the best, I know exactly what to ask for every year. And we've gotten some great gifts... but this year, his damn wife decided she'd do the shopping. Dont get me wrong, Rose is a lovely person, and we both like purple.... but she has no idea what I want for Christmas. Again, something I dont want or need...
And we wont even go into the fact that Steve's parents and sisters have disowned us and we wont be getting didlee from them...
Which means there is only one person left who will get me what I really want for Christmas...
So, yesterday Steve went to finish up shopping. When I got home from my excursions, he and Mike were upstairs in the office wrapping my gifts. Then they come downstairs... and Steve's got a very small, very sad, stack of presents. Now, do understand this, we have very different wrapping styles. I will wrap each of his gifts, regardless of size, in shirt boxes or larger. I like lots of presents under the tree. He wraps gifts as is, which means I already know I'm getting at least two dvds, one of which is a multiple disc set... but then, there's a card in the tree, which might have a gift certificate... and there's a funny book shaped one, and I have no idea what that could be.
But then, he starts asking random questions like... "What if what I give you for Christmas you want to take with you to NY, but you're already packed?" Well, uh, if I really want to take it, I'm sure I can make room... whats the big deal?
So, I can only hope that the big gifts are hiding somewhere... maybe still in the trunk of his car, cause they're certainly not anywhere in the house (not that I've looked...)

Thursday, December 18

On the Seventh Day of Christmas...

My true love spent a butt load of money on meeeeee....
I've always wondered how much it might cost to purchase all the items listed in the '12 Days of Christmas' song. This is probably because I have a tendency to be logical, cynical and I lack the ability to fatasize.
Luckily, PNC Banking published an article tallying up the price of these goods, comparing them to last years prices and also what it might cost to purchase said gifts in the Traditional manner, or via the Internet (shipping's a bitch).

Wednesday, December 17

I Aught to Say No, No, No, Sir

Nobody told me today was pre Christmas gift giving day...
I am lucky to work with a great group of women at my job. They are all such wonderful, unique people. And in the past year and a half, I have developed some great relationships with them.
With great relationships, come gifts. So, today, Anne (the British one) gave me a Chickfila calendar (which if you know me, you know what a great gift that is) and a little snowman bell ornament. She also claims that there is a 'perfect' gift for me, but they were all out. And this gift will explain why she doesnt call me 'princess.' I dunno what that's supposed to mean, but I'm as curious as a Belle. Then, Mary (the yoga one) stops by my desk and gives me a lovely purple piece of pottery with candycanes. I'm excited about this pottery because I know it's made by a local artist, and, of course, it's purple.
But, I've kinda been avoiding buying gifts for these people. Half because I'm not sure what to get, and half because I wanted to wait to see what they got me. So, now, I'm out to lunch, and I guess I'll go to the mall and find something for them.
Lucky me.

Tuesday, December 16

Where, Where Are You Now?

Jacques? Where are you? I'm bored out of my mind. If this is any example of how my week is going to be, I think I might go crazy.
Luckily it's almost lunch time, so I can go get my dvd and stare at that for a few hours. Then our office is having it's annual Peace Party.
So, I might make it through without you, but it's certainly going to be rougher than I thought.

Today's Gonna Be the Day

Christmas comes a little early this year. That is, if Christmas means that you go out and spend money on yourself because you dont trust anyone else to pick up the one thing you want the most a week before the gift giving will take place.
That's right, Dawson's Creek: The Complete Second Season releases today. Yippee! Of course, I probably wont have the opportunity to watch it, till, probably... New Years Day... oh my, what a great way to kick off the new year.
So, my plan is to run to Best Buy on my lunch hour and pick it up. Must. Have. In. Hands.

Friday, December 12

A Purple Sky to Close the Day

My evil plan to take over the world with all things purple has come to fruition.
My two closest friends, both beginning to plan their weddings that will take place next summer, have decided on purple bridesmaids dresses. And better yet, they are two different shades of purple... eggplant and lavendar... proving again that all shades of purple are created equal.
If you'd like to know more about my brain washing techniques, please let me know.

Thursday, December 11

All I Want for Christmas is You, Baby

Here, is my very important Christmas list. Feel free to spend loads of money on me, I wont complain.
See, yesterday, I finished a project at work, and then I was very bored. Someone (who aught to remain nameless, but I'll just go ahead and tell you, it was Jacques ) wasnt around for me to chat with, so I searched the web for hours and hours and came up with a bunch of things I dont need. The majority of these items I wont be getting, but I put them on the list anyway, for your entertainment.

In No Particular Order, but catagorized...

Ribbon-trim Sweatercoat, in Pink
Cashmere Cable-knit Scarf, Gloves and Hat, in Peony Pink

Diamond Pendant & Earrings.
Tiffany Jazz Diamond Drop Earrings

Fragrances and such
Ralph Lauren Romance
Victoria's Secret PINK
Retractable Make-up Brush

Game Boy Advance SP, in Flame
SuperMario Advance 4: SuperMario 3
SuperMario Sunshine
SuperSmash Brothers: Melee
The Simpson's: Hit and Run

Alias: The Complete First Season
Alias: The Complete Second Season Season
Mad About You: The Complete Second Season
Finding Nemo
The Italian Job

Everyone Sings Carols with Wing
No Doubt: The Singles 1992 - 2003

Computers and Stuff
Keyboard for BaxterIf you really want to buy it, you'll have to find it yourself, cant link it
Powerbook, in Prowler (Purple)
iPod, in Red/Blue

Ring-a-ling Pals, Winnie the Pooh Collection

Blue Dreams Bedding Collection
Snowflakes Flannel Duvet
Snowflakes Flannel Sheets Set
Snowflakes Body Pillow Cover

Kitchen Items
Pampered Chef Springform Pan

Creative Memories Organizers
Accessories Binder
Sheet Protectors

Tuesday, December 9

Well Maybe Just a Half a Drink More

Yay for the OC!

They've had a few brief articles in Entertainment Weekly, but finally they made the cover.
I'm really enjoying this show. Dont get me wrong, it'll never replace Dawson's Creek. But it does have a refreshing humor and a wonderfully mocking tone that is new and fun.
I implore you to watch.
"Open your mind here, dad. This isn't me we're talking about. With Ryan here, we have a chance to have a real athlete in the family. Somebody to achieve all that your Jewishness has prevented me from accomplishing." -Seth

Monday, December 8

Christmas, Christmas Time is Here

Realizing that there are only 17 days till Christmas... I decided to flip through the next two weeks and figure out what I'll be cooking for random Christmas related (whether they claim to be or not) events.
This Saturday, I'm having a Creative Memories workshop that will hopefully bring in some new people. I've declared this one "Bring a Friend, and you both get a special gift" I havent even decided what the gift will be, but I better come up with it today. For that, I'll make a Black Forest Pizza, which is a brownie shaped like a pizza, covered with chocolate cherry pudding and then a layer of cherry pie filling. I'm also making some Winter Crunch Bark that I can take to whatever else is going on.
Next Tuesday, my office is having a Peace Party. Apparently a couple of years ago, someone was REALLY offended by the Holiday Party... and it caused a big controversy. That person isnt even here now, but the Peace Party lives on. (I think it's funny that they all assume we're pro-peace). For that, I've been asked to make an Apple Pie. However, I might try to make mini pies instead. I havent decided if it's worth the risk.
Next Friday I'm having another Creative Memories workshop, this one being "Crop Till You Drop!" We'll be ordering pizza for dinner, but I'd still like to provide some Christmas-y treats for snacking. I havent decided what.
Next Saturday, my small group is having a HUGE Christmas party. What started out as just the 12 of us, is now, like, 40 people. I've been asked to make my cheesecake. Last year I made it for our party, and even though I didnt think it turned out that well, some people still remember it, and have requested it for this year. Which makes me feel good, of course. I'll also make an apple pie for that, and a slew of appetizers.
Then the Monday before Christmas, my friend Christine and I are getting together (after work) to bake the motherload of Christmas cookies. I have to sit down with my recipes and decide which ones we should do. Last year I didnt make any because we went down to Florida, but the year before, I went crazy! I hope we go crazy again.
It's a good thing I enjoy baking, right? Or at least that's what I tell myself.

Friday, December 5

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful

I had a plan for today. I was going to drive up to Lynchburg, visit my alma mater, my previous employer, my favorite professor, the restuarant I miss the most, my friends... until the weather shit on my parade. I'm so bummed, it's been a long time since I actually looked forward to being in Lynchburg. Now, I remember why I hate that place. Stupid weather.

Thursday, December 4

My True Love Gave to Me

Hair: successful. Though maybe not as dramatic as I would have liked, since the husband didnt seem to notice.
Doctors: faaaar from successful. Seems like she's just guessing what it could be. We might as well have used a magic eight ball. The ball told her that a post-nasal drip was irritating my throat, which I think is BS. So, she gave me a sample of Flonase and sent me on my way.
Let me explain something... second to eyedrops, nasal spray is by far the most torturous form of medication you could give me. So much so, that on my way home from the doctor, I decided that having a sore throat for the rest of my life is not so bad. Eventually I'll get used to it.

Wednesday, December 3

On the 9th Day of Christmas...

My afternoon could be very good, or very bad. In a little bit, I'm leaving for a hair appointment. Just a trim and same color, it's been a few months. I always wait until I cant take it anymore... the appointment should be fine, I really trust Kristy, she hasnt steered me wrong so far. But after my hair appointment, I have a doctor's appointment. See, since my flu, like almost 3 weeks ago, I have had this weird sore throat. Of course, today it isnt nearly as bad as it was when I called yesterday, but my body is pretty good about being scared to health. Hopefully the doctor will be able to call whats wrong with me without anything too invasive. And by invasive, I mean shots. I'm a big big wuss when it comes to needles. I know I need to suck it up, especially since I was supposed to have my cholesterol tested a year ago, but still...
So, wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 2

Been Waitin'

For 25 years, I've been waiting for this. Yes, that means even while in the womb, I was anticipating this moment.
McDonalds finally came to their senses and released the all white meat chicken nugget. Now, the chances that a chicken nugget is made from real chicken has increased at least 50%. Previous to this point I have ordered twice as many nuggets than I know I'll eat, to ensure that I will get enough white meat. (Crazy, I know). I even had it down to a science and could determine if a nugget was white meat by it's shape (egg shaped nuggets were always white meat, while round ones were always dark, the ones with the nose were always a gamble).
Last night, I grabbed a nugget and took a bite without examining it. The wonderful breading is exactly the same, which is what I was worried about the most. The only reason I eat McDonalds nuggets is because of the nostalgic coating.
Please note, if I were ever in the mood to eat chicken (fast), I would not pick McDonalds. Chickfila is the only option for actual, no questions, chicken.

Monday, December 1

These Are a Few of my Favorite Things

The number one reason why I love the Christmas season is because of Baskin n Robbins seasonal flavor Winter White Chocolate. There is no ice cream better than this ice cream. Creamy yummy white chocolate ice cream with swirls of cherry goo and chocolate covered cherries.
I got to buy my first two quarts today. (I was only going to buy one... but it was 2 for 6... cant pass that up). Thank God it's seasonal...
Yummy Yummy Yum. Better than raindrops on roses and even better than whiskers on kittens.

Fa La La La La

My Thanksgiving was very relaxing and uneventful, just the way it should be. We spent most of the day playing MarioKart and watching TV. There was the semi traditional meal somewhere in there, including my very first homemade Apple Pie. I think it turned out well for being my first. I might more enjoy a pie of just the goo... the goo was really yummy.
I feel after spending the entire weekend playing, I can give my review on Double Dash. I'll try not to reveal much of the game. A little history first... my first experience with MarioKart was on the N64. It was New Years Eve... and I was spending it with Steve and five of his high school friends. Since they're all gamers, they couldnt think of anything more ideal than spending NYE playing video games. Before this point, I was a mild gamer, I had my own NES growing up (and an Intellivision prior to that) and had definitely put in my hours playing Tetris and Super Mario 3, among other games. The guys seemed to be greatly enjoying MarioKart, and it wasnt long before I was in the rotation. And I immediately started kickin their asses. And that is how MarioKart became my favorite game. I was instantly good at it, and it was an amazing amount of fun. Not to mention the fact that I became the Queen of Video Games that night and it proved to those guys that Steve had found himself quite the catch.
Double Dash is an excellent game. My only problem is how challenging it is. It certainly requires a lot more skill. I have yet to get a gold cup at 150cc. And that disappoints me. Steve's tried to give me tips, but really, I dont want to work that hard to win.
I will continue to play, because it's loads of fun... and hopefully someday soon I'll start winning.
Meanwhile... it's Christmas Time!!! Yippee!!
I did some in home decorating on Saturday. And on Sunday I lucked out by getting a tree! I wasnt planning on dragging Steve out to get a tree till later this weekend... but we were out to lunch with friends (Mike and Karissa) and they were on their way to get a tree afterwards. Mike quickly invited us along and said he could probably get a great deal on two trees. Mike is an insane haggler. If I were an employee of that Tree Place and he was trying to talk me to his price, I probably would have started crying. But we just stood there and watched as he talked the guy down from two 60 dollar trees to 2 for 90. Yes, he knocked 15 dollars off our tree (and his too). So, we are now shopping for all things haggleable with Mike.
The tree is up and we'll work on decorating it this week. I wanted to give the cats some time to get used to it. They adapted pretty well. You could tell they were freaked out at first, walking around with their tails down, but eventually they realized it was an excellent hiding spot and started stalking each other.
Yay for Christmas!!

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